Sherrie Frontz, A Romantic, Suspense and Mystery Author
Sherrie Frontz is a 55-year-old writer from East Tennessee. Surrounded by love from her husband, Rusty, of 21 years, their dog named, Mandy, and she’s blessed to have both of her parents "who are healthy". She loves to play bingo bash, watch Blue Bloods, take trips to the beach, and capture special moments with her camera.
Interviewer: Tell me about you and your life outside writing.

Frontz: I'm really rather boring. I like being by myself. I like to be outside whenever the bugs aren't bad. Since my dog requires so much care, I spend a lot of time with her. I take a couple of trips a year to visit my good friend who lives at the beach and I use that time for inspiration and relaxing.
Sherrie had to be tugged on a bit to get her to open up about life that she describes as “boring”. How can that be? She takes care of both her elderly parents and Mandy, a blind and deaf 14-year-old mixed Chihuahua that she says is “…very active for an old dog."
Sherrie loves to read and says that her favorite book of all time is Gone with the Wind. “I read it for the first time when I was twelve. It's just a special book.” Her favorite author is John Sanford. “He writes books that I can't put down, like the Prey Series. That's how I want readers to feel about my books,” she says about her series that is geared towards middle-aged women.
That's Sherrie's personal life. Let's learn about Sherrie, the writer. who has written and published 3 books in her romance, suspense and mystery collection called the Land's End Series. Book 4: Sins of the Father is currently in production.
In June, Sherrie won the 2017 Top Female Author Award and was a semi-finalist in the Golden Quill Awards. She's also a finalist in the “50 Great Writers You Should Be Reading Contest.” She states, “I would like to be able to continue my series and branch out with another one eventually.” All of her books can be purchased on Amazon, by clicking any of the covers.
Sherrie’s books offers a touch of her reality and her characters, Andy (book 1) and Blake (book 2) can attest to that. They both share her husband, Rusty’s characteristics, using different aspects of his personality. She goes on about Rusty, a 6’9 former basketball player at the University of Florida, who she met at work years ago. Her love for Rusty, is obvious through her description of him. “He’s generous and kind, he will help anyone that needs help. He likes to tease me and push my buttons. He also supports my writing venture. I use him to bounce off ideas about my stories and the most important thing, he has gray hair, a mustache, and green eyes. He is ooh la la😍”
In her 3rd book, Closer Than Yesterday – Sherrie taps into the painful memories of her past. Her main character, Sarah, is based on an abusive relationship.
Samantha (Sam), is the leading character of all the books. She has overcome great adversity in her life and has to deal with an issue that will have her feeling betrayed and very hurt. As the series increases, so do the characters, bringing about new personalities, and new issues for Sam, making the story lines a forever increasing saga of unknowns. Sherrie loves the genre that she is drawn to and she writes what she wants to read.
Interviewer: So who is Samantha? Tell me more about her and who do you think would be a perfect cast to play her in a movie.
Frontz: Molly Hagen is Samantha. I saw her once a long time ago in a movie and I feel like she represents Samantha perfectly. When I started working on When the Morning Comes, I knew that she (Molly Hagen) would be the perfect Sam. Her character in that movie was strong, yet vulnerable. I used that character as the foundation for Sam and built upon it. She also fits the physical image I had in my head for Sam.
When Sherrie was a teenager, she wrote short stories and poems. At the age of fourteen, she tried her hands at writing novels. Unfortunately, her youthful age and the distractions that come along with it took her off course. She never completed the novel she started.
Sherrie considers herself as a part-time writer. She doesn’t use outlines to draft her stories, but allow them to freely come to her. She normally formulates her stories on her computer, but if she has to be outside with Mandy for a while, she takes along pen and paper and writes by hand. For Sherrie, the most difficult part of writing is “…finding the time to write and the editing process, since I self-publish.”
To writers who suffer from writer’s block, Sherrie gives the following advice, “Get away from the writing process for a while, but not too long. Read, watch TV, or go do something fun. And to the aspiring writers she says, “Don't give up and try not to be too sensitive when someone reviews your books. This is easier said than done.”
Sherrie is available for contact and has a number of ways to be reached. See below.